I’ve written thousands, and will write thousands more. Millions?
Well that’s where I’d probably
start getting good.
Why I Write
It has always called me. I know deep within
I am supposed to be writing.
I write to share perspectives that
inspire people, cause emotion, and encourage action.
I write to make an impact,
and to practice the craft.
I am a writer.
Where I Write & What I’ve Written
Over the Years
Thrive Global
My old blog
What I Write On This Website
Here on my blog I have decided to focus my writing more than ever before, so now I write in 3 primary categories based around my callings in life:
Art & Creativity
Social Good
Philosophy & Fitness
Within those 3 categories, there are 2 primary styles of content:
Essays & Thought Pieces:
I try to write the truth as I see it; things I know and feel the most strongly about.
That’s the stuff that flows and goes.
Not always am I that fortunate, to emanate pure truth and experience the constant flow of effortless prose,
but that’s what I would like to hold as an aspirational standard.
I write on broad thoughts and topics, that are newly on the forefront of my mind, or have been simmering there.
I tend to take a strong stance that includes a heavy peppering of intense belief in human potential,
optimism, idealism, and social good on an individual level.
Basically, I write about how we can all become better, and what that looks like for one person who’s
obsessed with growth and development.
Reviews, Tips, and Tutorials:
A smaller category to start with, but I will be authoring content around key recommendations and techniques.
If something ever appears on a website with my name on it, and I’m taking the time to write about it, you can believe I’m a super-fan. If I’ve taken it that far, there is definitely a lot of value that I can communicate about why I chose to embrace the product or brand and the benefits.
I also obsess about learning how to best use the things I recommend so additional content around cool tips and techniques will follow on to initial recommendations. I will seek out and include experts in other fields
as I learn and share the best of what I find.